Food Substitutes to Maintain Your Health

If you're trying to lose weight, control your blood pressure, or lower your cholesterol, your diet may have become boring and uninteresting. There is some good news that will make your diet more interesting without putting your weight, blood pressure, or cholesterol at risk. Here's a list of food swaps that will keep you healthy.


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One of the top five things to avoid if you want to lower your blood pressure is table salt. Different types of salt have different health effects. Balanced salt is the best salt substitute for high blood pressure because it provides that delicious salty taste while having no effect on your blood pressure. Balanced salt is low in sodium and contains a combination of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, making it a nutritional asset and thus far healthier than other salts.

Muffins with Whole Grains

Bagels are high in calories and almost completely devoid of nutrition. One bagel contains about the same amount of fiber and protein as four slices of white bread. Consider English Muffins or any whole-grain muffin as a substitute. They provide the satisfying carbohydrates you crave in the morning while only containing a fraction of the calories found in a bagel. Whole-grain muffins also have four grams of protein and three grams of fiber, which will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Brown Rice

Brown rice has so much more flavor than white rice that it's surprising rice lovers don't eat more of it. It is high in fiber, making it more filling and beneficial to blood sugar levels.

Because brown rice is more nutrient-dense than white rice, it may aid in weight management because it contains fewer calories and boosts metabolism.


Unsweetened applesauce can be used in place of sugar and oil in baked goods. A cup of sugar contains over 770 calories, whereas a cup of applesauce contains only 100. This is beneficial not only for weight loss but also for diabetics. Unsweetened applesauce contains polyphenols, just like fresh apples, which may help lower blood pressure. In any recipe, you can replace the sugar in a 1:1 ratio, but you may need to reduce the amount of liquid you add. In cakes and brownies, try replacing half of the required oil with unsweetened applesauce.

Yogurt from Greece

Greek yogurt is a rich, creamy yogurt that can be used in place of sour cream, which is high in saturated fat. Sour cream can be added to tacos, chili, soups, and salads to turn even a low-calorie meal into a high-calorie meal. You can season Greek yogurt with cilantro or other seasonings to taste, and it will reduce calories and fat while adding protein to your meal.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a better choice for chocolate lovers than milk chocolate. Dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa is high in plant-based nutrition, including flavanols, which may lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the heart and brain. Another advantage is that they help to reduce cell damage. Just be careful not to overdo it, as too much chocolate, like any other, can lead to weight gain.

Egg Whites

Remove the yokes from your eggs before using them in a recipe or as a breakfast staple to save calories and cholesterol. Two egg whites are replaced for one egg.

Although some studies claim that whole eggs are healthier than egg whites, using egg whites in baking can help lower cholesterol.

Salad Dressing as Usual

Salads are high in nutrients like vitamins D, A, E, and K, but these vitamins are only absorbed by your body when combined with healthy fats. Fat-free dressings may appear appealing at first glance, but when you read the ingredients, you may find unacceptable amounts of sugar and sodium added to replace the flavor lost when the fat is removed. The above substitution suggestions make it simple to make your meals healthier. Whether it's brownies or tacos, you can cut back on sugar and cholesterol without sacrificing flavor.



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