How Can You Improve Your Sleep?

The human body's ability to heal and recover is nothing short of amazing. The body has an innate ability to heal and thrive. One of the most important aspects of thriving and aging well is sleep. Because your body thrives on routine, preparing for bed should be no different than the rest of your daily routines.

Although I am not a sleep expert, I regularly discuss sleep quality and hygiene with my physical therapy clients. Adequate sleep is one of the most important factors in a person's recovery after illness or injury, as well as thriving and aging well.


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According to most studies, a person needs between 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Although sleep cycles have different stages, a typical sleep cycle lasts between 70 and 120 minutes. The actual amount of sleep required will vary depending on how long your cycle is.

It's important to note that if you wake up just as you're coming out of a sleep cycle, you'll usually feel more rested and alert. If you wake up at the beginning or halfway through a cycle, you will most likely feel tired and grumpy. This is probably referred to as "waking up on the wrong side of the bed."

If you are recovering from an illness, surgery, or injury, you should sleep and rest more than usual. This is not to be confused with bed rest. As a physical therapist, I rarely recommend bed rest, but it can be medically necessary at times.

The key is to balance activity and frequent movement with adequate sleep. Many important bodily processes take place while you sleep. One of the most crucial aspects of sleep is its impact on hormonal regulation. Hormones such as human growth hormone (HGH) are important in how you recover from injury. Adequate rest and sleep are required for HGH and other critical hormone systems to work efficiently.

Poor sleep or insufficient sleep not only hinders healing, but it is also a risk factor for many chronic diseases and illnesses, including:

  • Syndrome of Metabolic Syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Depression
  • Chronic discomfort
  • Dementia

How to Get a Better Night's Sleep

To ensure overall quality sleep, be proactive about the environment you sleep in and how you prepare to sleep. This is referred to as your sleep hygiene.

The following suggestions can help you get a better night's sleep:

Caffeine should be avoided later in the day.
  • Make your room completely dark. To prepare for sleep, darkness sends important hormonal signals to the brain. Even minor amounts of light can disrupt sleep patterns, so keep any potential sources of light covered up (even those that may be present on smoke detectors or electronic equipment).
  • Avoid using electronic devices for at least two hours before going to bed because the light emitted by the screen is very stimulating to your system. Wearing blue light blocking glasses may be beneficial if you have to work on a computer or prefer to watch TV in the evenings.
  • Avoid watching television for at least two hours before going to bed because the light produced by the screen is also stimulating.
  • Make it a rule that no electronic devices are allowed in your bedroom. Many of us believe that we must have our television or tablet, but your sleep quality will improve if you don't.
  • Prior to going to bed, avoid reading or watching anything stimulating or anxiety-inducing.
  • Try taking magnesium supplements before going to bed. Many medical professionals now believe that an increasing number of people are inferior in the amount of magnesium they consume on a daily basis. Magnesium can help reduce muscle pain and improve your sleep quality. 
  • Make a schedule. Because your body thrives on routine, preparing for bed should be no different than the rest of your daily routines. Try to sleep at the same time every day. To increase your sleeping time, go to bed a little earlier each day rather than sleeping in longer in the morning. Try to get more rest at the start of the sleep cycle rather than at the end.
  • Keep your space cool. You are unlikely to sleep well if your room temperature is too high. Cooler is usually preferable to warmer, but not cold.
  • Exercise on a regular basis. Regular exercise can help you maintain a regular sleep schedule. Just don't work out right before bed. The type of exercise you do while recovering from an injury will vary depending on your specific injury.
  • If you are recovering from an illness, surgery, or injury and your rehabilitation is slowing or not progressing as expected, examining your sleep quality is an important next step.

A good night's sleep should not be considered a luxury. It is a necessary component of thriving and aging well. Don't undervalue the value of sleep!



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